
How Long Can a Cat Go Without Eating?

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⚠ Please note that information supplied on this page should not be taken as medical advice and you should always speak with a veterinarian professional before making any decisions on your pets!

As cat owners, we all want to ensure the health and well-being of our furry friends. One question that often arises is, how long can a cat go without eating? The answer to this question is not straightforward, as it depends on several factors, such as the age and health of the cat, as well as the availability of water.

While cats are known for their independence, they still rely on us to provide them with food and water. It’s important to note that cats can survive without food for up to two weeks, as long as they have access to water. However, it’s crucial to monitor your cat’s behavior if they go without food for more than 24 hours, as it could be a sign of sickness, pain, or a dislike for their current food.

Key Takeaways

  • Cats can survive without food for up to two weeks, but it’s important to monitor their behavior if they go without food for more than 24 hours.
  • Factors such as age and health can affect a cat’s ability to go without eating.
  • If your cat won’t eat, it’s important to seek veterinary care to address any underlying health issues and prevent long-term medical effects.

How Long Can a Cat Go Without Eating?

As cat owners, we all know how important it is to provide our feline friends with regular meals. But what happens if they don’t eat for a while? How long can a cat go without eating?

According to our research, cats can go without food for up to two weeks. However, this is not recommended and should not be practiced. In fact, it is crucial to monitor your cat’s eating habits and seek veterinary attention if they refuse to eat for more than 24 hours.

While cats can survive for a while without food, it is important to note that they cannot survive without water. A cat can only go without water for up to three days. Without water, they can become dehydrated, which can lead to serious health problems.

There are several reasons why a cat may refuse to eat, including stress, anxiety, depression, or illness. It is important to identify the underlying cause of your cat’s loss of appetite and address it accordingly.

In addition to seeking veterinary attention, there are several things you can do to encourage your cat to eat. You can try offering them a variety of foods, warming up their food, or even hand-feeding them. It is important to make sure that your cat is getting enough nutrients and calories to maintain their health.

In conclusion, while cats can survive without food for up to two weeks, it is not recommended. If your cat refuses to eat for more than 24 hours, it is important to seek veterinary attention and identify the underlying cause of their loss of appetite. Remember, cats cannot survive without water for more than three days, so it is crucial to make sure they have access to clean, fresh water at all times.

The Risks of Not Eating

As pet parents, we know that our feline friends can be finicky eaters at times. However, it’s important to keep an eye on their eating habits, as a lack of appetite can lead to serious health issues.

When a cat doesn’t eat for an extended period of time, usually more than two days, they run the risk of developing hepatic lipidosis, also known as fatty liver disease. This occurs when the liver tries to convert body fat into energy, but can’t keep up with the demand. As a result, fat accumulates in the liver, leading to liver failure.

In addition to fatty liver disease, cats who don’t eat can experience weight loss, malnutrition, and dehydration. This can weaken their immune system and make them more susceptible to infections and illnesses. They may also experience weakness, lethargy, and respiratory problems.

A lack of food can also lead to digestive issues such as vomiting and diarrhea. Cats who eat dry food exclusively may be at a higher risk of dehydration, as they may not drink enough water to compensate for the lack of moisture in their food.

It’s important to note that a cat not eating may be a symptom of an underlying health issue, such as kidney disease, pancreatitis, or cancer. Medications or side effects from treatments can also cause a loss of appetite. Stress, anxiety, and depression can also affect a cat’s appetite and overall well-being.

If your cat is not eating, it’s important to take them to the vet to rule out any health problems. Your vet may recommend appetite stimulants or a change in diet to encourage your cat to eat. Wet food may be easier for cats to digest, and adding flavor or texture to their food can also entice them to eat.

In conclusion, it’s crucial to monitor your cat’s eating habits and seek veterinary care if they are not eating for an extended period of time. A lack of food can lead to serious health issues, and it’s important to address the issue promptly to ensure your feline friend stays healthy and happy.

Factors That Affect a Cat’s Ability to Go Without Eating

As cat owners, we must understand that several factors can affect a cat’s ability to go without eating. These factors include:


A cat’s health status plays a significant role in its ability to go without food. If a cat is healthy, it can survive for up to two weeks without food. However, if a cat has underlying medical conditions, it may not be able to go without food for long periods.

Food and Water

Cats require a balanced diet and access to fresh water to survive. If a cat is not receiving proper nutrition or water, it may not be able to go without food for long.


Stress can affect a cat’s appetite and ability to eat. If a cat is experiencing stress, it may refuse to eat or drink, leading to malnutrition and dehydration.


As cats age, their ability to eat and digest food may decline. Older cats may eat less and drink less water, making it challenging for them to go without food for extended periods.

Activity Level and Weight

Active cats require more food than less active cats. Similarly, overweight cats may be able to go without food for longer periods than underweight cats.


Some cat breeds, such as Siamese and Persian cats, may be more prone to health issues that affect their appetite and ability to go without food.

Medical Conditions and Medications

Certain medical conditions and medications can affect a cat’s appetite and ability to eat. Cats with dental issues, for example, may experience pain when eating and may refuse to eat.


A cat’s environment can also affect its appetite and ability to eat. If a cat is in an unfamiliar environment or experiencing changes in its routine, it may refuse to eat.

In conclusion, several factors can affect a cat’s ability to go without eating. As cat owners, we must ensure our cats receive proper nutrition, access to fresh water, and medical care to maintain their health and well-being.

What to Do If Your Cat Won’t Eat

As cat owners, we know that our feline friends can sometimes be finicky eaters. However, if your cat has not eaten for more than 24 hours, it could be a sign of a health problem. In this section, we will discuss what to do if your cat won’t eat.

First, it is important to rule out any health issues that could be causing your cat’s lack of appetite. If your cat is showing other signs of illness, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or respiratory problems, it is important to take them to the vet as soon as possible. Your vet will be able to diagnose any underlying health issues and recommend a treatment plan.

If your cat is not showing any signs of illness, it could be that they are just being picky eaters. Try offering them different types of food, such as wet cat food or dry cat food, to see if they have a preference. You can also try adding treats or appetite stimulants to their food to encourage them to eat.

It is important to make sure that your cat has access to fresh water at all times. Dehydration can cause health problems and can also contribute to a lack of appetite. Try offering your cat water from a clean bowl or a pet fountain to encourage them to drink.

If your cat is overweight, it is important to monitor their food intake and make sure they are not overeating. You can also try offering them smaller meals throughout the day instead of one large meal.

In some cases, a lack of appetite can lead to malnutrition and even fatty liver disease. If your cat has not eaten for more than two weeks, it is important to seek emergency veterinary care.

In conclusion, if your cat won’t eat, it is important to rule out any health issues and try different types of food to encourage them to eat. Make sure they have access to fresh water at all times and monitor their food intake if they are overweight. If you are concerned about your cat’s lack of appetite, contact your vet for advice.

Preventing Your Cat from Going Without Food

As cat owners, we all want to make sure our feline friends are happy, healthy, and well-fed. However, there may be times when our cats refuse to eat, whether due to dental issues, picky eating habits, or underlying health conditions. In this section, we’ll discuss some ways to prevent your cat from going without food.

Providing a Nutritious Diet

One of the most important things we can do to prevent our cats from going without food is to provide them with a nutritious diet. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they require a diet that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. While dry cat food may be convenient, it’s important to note that it may not provide all the necessary nutrients that a cat needs. Canned food, on the other hand, is a good option for cats as it contains more moisture and can help prevent urinary tract infections.

Ensuring Access to Clean Water

In addition to a nutritious diet, it’s important to ensure that our cats have access to clean water at all times. Cats may be reluctant to drink water that has been sitting out for too long or that is contaminated with bacteria. To encourage your cat to drink more water, try using a pet fountain or adding a small amount of low-sodium chicken broth to their water bowl.

Maintaining Good Dental Health

Dental disease is a common problem among cats, and it can lead to pain and discomfort when eating. To prevent dental issues, it’s important to brush your cat’s teeth regularly and provide them with dental treats and toys. If your cat already has dental disease, they may need to switch to a softer diet or have dental work done to remove any damaged teeth.

Regular Vet Checkups

Regular vet checkups are essential for maintaining your cat’s overall health and well-being. During these checkups, your vet can assess your cat’s weight, perform routine blood work, and administer vaccinations to prevent against common diseases. They can also check for any underlying health conditions that may be causing your cat to refuse food.

Addressing Picky Eating Habits

Some cats may be picky eaters and refuse to eat certain types of food. If this is the case, try offering your cat a variety of foods, including different brands and flavors of canned and dry food. You can also try adding a small amount of low-sodium chicken broth or tuna juice to their food to make it more appealing.

Using Appetite Stimulants

If your cat is refusing to eat due to an underlying health condition, your vet may prescribe an appetite stimulant to help encourage them to eat. However, it’s important to note that these medications should only be used under the guidance of a veterinarian, as they can have side effects and may not be appropriate for all cats.

By following these tips, we can help prevent our cats from going without food and ensure that they stay happy and healthy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long can a cat survive without food?

Cats are known for their ability to survive without food for a certain period of time. However, it is essential to note that cats require nutrients to maintain their body functions. As such, a cat can only survive for a limited period without food.

What is the maximum time a cat can go without eating?

According to veterinarians, cats can go without food for two weeks. However, this is not recommended as it can lead to severe health complications.

How long can a sick cat go without food?

Sick cats require more attention when it comes to their feeding habits. A sick cat can go without food for 24 hours, but it is crucial to monitor their health and behavior closely. If a cat refuses to eat for more than 24 hours, it is essential to seek veterinary care.

What are the consequences if a cat doesn’t eat for days?

If a cat does not eat for several days, it can lead to severe health complications such as liver failure, dehydration, and muscle wasting. Additionally, a lack of nutrients can weaken the immune system, making the cat more susceptible to infections.

Can a cat go for 2 days without food?

Yes, a cat can go without food for 2 days. However, it is essential to monitor the cat’s behavior and seek veterinary care if they refuse to eat for an extended period.

What should you feed a sick cat that refuses to eat?

If a sick cat refuses to eat, it is crucial to seek veterinary care immediately. The veterinarian may recommend a special diet or prescribe appetite stimulants to encourage the cat to eat. Additionally, feeding the cat small amounts of food frequently can help stimulate their appetite.

Overall, it is crucial to monitor a cat’s feeding habits closely and seek veterinary care if they refuse to eat for an extended period. With proper care and attention, most cats can recover from a lack of appetite and regain their appetite.


  • Lawrence

    Lawrence, the founder of Pet Ploy, established the website in mid-2023. With a lifelong love for pets, Lawrence has been surrounded by a variety of animals since his early years. From dogs and cats to guinea pigs, rabbits, fish, and more, he has experienced the joy of caring for a diverse range of pets. Drawing from his deep-rooted passion, Lawrence created Pet Ploy to share his knowledge and enthusiasm with fellow pet enthusiasts. Through the platform, he aims to provide valuable insights, tips, and resources to promote the well-being and happiness of pets everywhere.

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